Happy Home & Pets
Multi-layer storage Rack, Large Capacity Organizer,
Multi-layer storage Rack, Large Capacity Organizer,
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General Use: Home Furniture
Specific Use: Wardrobe
Type: Bedroom Furniture
Product Description
Large Capacity Shoe Rack from Tribesigns
Two colors available: Black/Grey
It not only fit shoes, also a storage solution for shoes, sporting equipment, hats, it’s a compact, space-saving solution for home, apartment or dorm.
Extra hammer and gloves sent Package includes extra hammer and gloves , you can use the hammer to tap each joints to strength the stability. Wearing gloves to keep your hands from injury. |
Metal shoe rack This shoe rack is made of sturdy metal tube, it provides strong load capacity for heavy stuffs, suitable for long-lasting use. |
Sturdy joints Constructed by sturdy joints, don't worry wobbling problem any more, more stable and solid than other's shoe rack. |
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Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs.
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